Sunday, December 4, 2011

More Bandages, More Burns, More Pills

Went to the burn specialist on Friday & got fresh new bandages for the 3rd degree burns on my thighs.  Did I learn my lesson? Time will tell. 

I was badly triggered over the week-end and did a few more minor burns to complete the circle around my navel.  I called the supposed "crisis line,"  but it didn't do me any good.  The lady fed me a bunch of bullshit about "letting go of the pain."  Yeah, well, that's easier said than done and when body memories hit .... this is what happens . . .

So, tonight (12-4) I'm adding some Vicodin (5) to my usual night-time cocktail of pills and I'm escaping reality.  Does this fix anything? No.  Will it make it harder for me to wake up for work in the morning? Yes.  But for the time being, at least it will keep me from burning myself any more tonight (I'll be in La La land instead).  So here's to LA LA LAND!  Cheers!


  1. And in case anybody's wondering, NO, I AM NOT SUICIDAL. Just can't take the pain tonight and really don't want to end up with any more burns.

  2. Take N-Acetyl-Cysteine from iherb or another source, to prevent liver damage from Acetaminophen contained in vicodin, its a direct-antidote, since acetaminophen isnt even toxic except for the fact it deletes a body chemical made by cysteine from food. (direct-antidote)

  3. Hello, i just stumbled upon your page. I am so sorry that you ever felt this way. My heart is breaking for you. Im sorry you were put so down to do this. I wish I could hug you and support you. I hope you are better now and in a safe relationship... I love you truly.


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