Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cigarette Burns Starting to Heal

This is how the burns look about 4-5 days afterward.  They are starting to heal quite nicely, but still itch like crazy. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Cigarette Burns on Flesh - after about 4 days

This is how it looks after the burns start to heal a bit (3-4 days after the initial cigarette burns).  At this point, the burned area starts to itch like crazy.  I was in counseling at this time and my therapist was aware of my having burned myself.  I was very close to being hospitalized, she said, if I didn't gain control of this self-destructive behavior.  I treated the burns by cleansing with peroxide, applying a special burn gel, and covering the burns with gauze that I taped in place.  I was afraid to seek medical attention because I thought they might try to admit me for in-patient psychiatric treatment.